- AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda
- How Wolves Change Rivers
- The Gerson Therapy - Curing Cancer Naturally for 60 years
- Jim Carey is a Truly Awakened Soul - Speech at Maharishi U.
- Healing and Travel Protection with Archangel Raphael
- Archangels and Ascended Masters
- Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth
- JFK Speech April 27, 1961 - We are opposed by a monolithic, ruthless conspiracy
Given the current state of these elections, it is my hope that anyone finding this decree may use it to help protect the elections for the American people and bring forth the best candidates for the highest good of all.
AMTF Songs and Decrees PDF can be downloaded from here:
Who is Ascended Master K-17?
Beloved mighty victorious I AM Presence, Archangel Michael,
Mighty Victory, Ascended Masters El Morya and Saint Germain and K-17,
Raise up the right candidates in the coming U.S. elections. (3)
Beloved mighty victorious I AM Presence, Archangel Michael,
Mighty Victory, Ascended Masters El Morya and Saint Germain and K-17,
Raise up the right candidates in the coming U.S. elections. (3)
See that the Ascended Master candidates become victorious.
Mighty I AM Presence and Christ Self of every voter, take command
and act through the outer self according to the divine plan.
Mighty I AM Presence and Christ Self of every voter, take command
and act through the outer self according to the divine plan.
Keep the United States government free from foreign influence.
Reveal to the public and render inactive all foreign lobbyists and all
groups that have the objective to undermine and
Reveal to the public and render inactive all foreign lobbyists and all
groups that have the objective to undermine and
change the Constitution of this country and who are opposed to the original divine plan
for this country. (3)
for this country. (3)
Reveal all that is hidden and not of the Light. Prevent, prevent,
prevent the changing of the Constitution of the United States from
the original divine intent. (3)
Withhold and withdraw all power from all destructive forces and
from all individuals with destructive intent. (3)
Friends of freedom, arise, arise, arise!
To the call of the mighty I AM
Set our country free, and all her people free,
Set the rest of the world free and all her people free.
Ascended Master Teaching Foundation,
Mount Shasta, California
Copyright 1985
ISBN 978-0-939051-19-2
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