- AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda
- How Wolves Change Rivers
- The Gerson Therapy - Curing Cancer Naturally for 60 years
- Jim Carey is a Truly Awakened Soul - Speech at Maharishi U.
- Healing and Travel Protection with Archangel Raphael
- Archangels and Ascended Masters
- Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth
- JFK Speech April 27, 1961 - We are opposed by a monolithic, ruthless conspiracy
Dorreen Virtue is an amazing individual. Here is her bio from her website: Doreen Virtue is a spiritual doctor of psychology and a fourth-generation metaphysician who works with the angelic, elemental, and ascended-master realms in her writings and workshops. Doreen is the author of more than 20 books about angels, chakras, Crystal Children, Indigo Children, health and diet, and other mind-body-spirit issues, including the best-selling Healing with the Angels and Messages from Your Angels books/angel cards.Doreen has written a great book that talks about all of the Archangels and Ascended Masters
- Name or common names
- Location or religion where there are well known
- Paragraph describing te ascended master or angel in detail
- How they can help you
- The best time, place and way to ask them for assistance through prayer
Here is a list of just a few of the spirits in the book:
Ascended Masters:
- Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Ganesh, Lakshmi, Isis, Yoganada, Saint-Germain, Kuthumi, El Morya
- Ariel
- Environmental concerns, assist or heal injured animals
- Azreal
- Meets people at death to help them to the Other side
- Assistance with deceased or dying loved ones
- Chamuel
- New love relationships
- New friends, new job or lost item
- Will help in repairing misunderstandings in personal or work relationships
- Gabriel
- Helps writers, teachers and journalists
- Overcome fear or procrastination involving communication, conception, adoption, pregnancy and early childhood
- Haniel
- Assist with adding grace, peace, serenity, enjoyment of good friends, beauty, harmony to your life
- Help with important presentations, interviews or first dates
- Jeremiel
- Motivates us to devote ourselves to spiritual acts of service
- Helps with the process of attaining divine wisdom
- Call upon him if you feel stuck spiritually to regain enthusiasm about spiritual path and mission.
- Provides emotional healing and is helpful with forgiveness issues
- Jophiel
- Patron of artists
- Feng shui angel because she can help you with removing clutter from home, office or life
- She is involved in cleansing the earth of pollution and you can ask for assignments to help in this mission
- Metatron
- Works with Mother Mary to help children both living and crossed over
- He will assist you with anything you need related to your children
- Michael
- Releases the effects of fear from the planet
- Patron of police and gives us courage to follow our divine mission
- Call upon him if you are fearful or confused about your safety, heavenly purpose or making a necessary life change
- He will also help you fix any mechanical or electrical problem
- He can assist you with remembering your life purpose and give you courage to follow it
- Raguel
- Ask him for aid whenever you feel that you are being overpowered or manipulated
- He will assist you with how to attain balanced power and fairness within your personal and community relationships
- Call upon him on behalf of another person who's being treated unfairly
- He will also help you to harmonize all of your relationships
- Raphael
- He is in charge of physical healings
- He helps those dedicated to health and well-being
- Call upon him to help with any injuries or illnesses related to yourself or another including animals
- He also aids those who are traveling by providing a harmonious and safe journey
- Raziel
- Call upon Raziel whenever you wish to understand esoteric material including dreams or to engage in alchemy/manifestations
- Sandalphon
- Angel of music and prayer
- Put on music and ask him to help clear spiritual confusion
- Uriel
- Pours light on troubling situation which illuminates our problem solving abilities
- Call upon him to help you think clearly and find answers
- He helps students and those in need of intellectual assistance
- Zadkiel
- Angel of good memory
- Helper of students
- Call upon him to remember anything especially your own divinity
Peace and Love be with you always. (333, 444)
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