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I am very much into numbers and numerology and always have been very aware of numbers as they present themselves throughout the day. In one of my original posts back in 2011, I mention my interest in Doreen Virtue's Angel Numbers book. I used to it constantly as I have memorized many of the numbers and their meanings.
One of my favorite numbers is 96 as it represents to me what life is all about. We are working our way to heaven/ascension by being of service to ourselves and others. This number will remind me of that ever important focus of helping others and when not sure what to do, then give it to God, angels and ascended masters for support.
Peace and Cheers,
Below is the actual reading for the number 96:
With respect to your
life purpose, put
all of your
focus onto the
aspects (such as
others, asking for
Heaven to
support you, and
from a place of
love). Give
any earthly concerns
your purpose to God
and the angels.
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