- AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda
- How Wolves Change Rivers
- The Gerson Therapy - Curing Cancer Naturally for 60 years
- Jim Carey is a Truly Awakened Soul - Speech at Maharishi U.
- Healing and Travel Protection with Archangel Raphael
- Archangels and Ascended Masters
- Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth
- JFK Speech April 27, 1961 - We are opposed by a monolithic, ruthless conspiracy
Courtesy of Michael Henry Dunn:
fellow Americans, and my fellow citizens of the world,
Shortly before
I took office four years ago, I became aware – as every president since John F.
Kennedy has before me – that a shadow government of financial interests exerts
a pervasive control over the affairs of this world, and has done so since at
least the early years of the 20th century, if not long before. It was
made clear to me at that time by representatives of these interests that
the parameters of my power as president would be severely limited by the
dictates of this shadow government. John Kennedy was the last president
to directly confront and oppose the dictates of this hidden global regime, and
his death has served as a warning to future occupants of the White House ever
recognized at that time that the Constitution that I had sworn to uphold and
preserve had already, in fact, been betrayed, and that the republic envisioned
by our founders had been systematically dismantled by this shadow government,
whose agenda and goals are diametrically opposed to the ideals of freedom and
equal opportunity upon which this country was founded. It was made clear
to me, moreover, that this shadow government has controlled and manipulated the
outcome of every presidential election since 1968, including the election that
brought me into office.
shadow government has been controlled since the 19th century by the
banking families of Europe, headed by the Rothschilds and Warburgs, and their
so-called “bloodline” allies in European royal families, represented in this
country by the private banking cabal that controls the Federal Reserve
System. The agenda and goals of this cabal were entirely self-serving,
with the avowed goal of reducing the population of our planet by the mass
elimination of billions of human beings through war, starvation, and disease,
leaving a remnant of half a billion debt slaves.
list of their crimes against humanity is long and shocking, and I know that
many among us will simply refuse to believe that such things could
happen. However the evidence is massive and incontrovertible, and indicts
members of this cabal of crimes that include the planning and execution of the
911 terror attacks, the deliberate triggering of financial panics, including
the financial crisis of 2008 and the Great Depression, and the manipulated fomentation
of numerous wars. Though their influence has been pervasive throughout
government, media, finance, science, agriculture, and religion, their core
membership is small, comprised of less than 10,000 tightly controlled and
disciplined members, many of whom have been subjected to mind control, torture,
and abuse since childhood.
vowed to myself on that day that I would do everything within my power to
restore our freedoms, while knowing that I would be required to play a double
game merely to ensure my own survival. The safety of my family was also
at risk. But thousands of Americans in uniform take the same risks on
behalf of our freedom everyday, and I vowed to be worthy of their example.
I am grateful to God, and to the many thousands of men and women throughout the
world who risked their lives in the struggle against this dark
regime, to share with you the news that this shadow government has
been defeated. Their assets have been seized. Their leaders are
being arrested, in accordance with due process of law, by local law
enforcement, with the assistance of U.S. Marshalls, and backed where necessary
by military units, in keeping with the military oath to protect
and preserve our Constitution against ”all enemies, foreign and
domestic.” Massive evidence of the cabal’s crimes has been
collected. They will be brought to justice. The even more heinous
crimes against humanity that they have been tirelessly attempting to execute –
including detonation of nuclear weapons in some of the world’s most populous
cities – have been prevented. Their tactics have centered on seizing
power during times of chaos – chaos that they themselves created. Those
tactics have been thwarted.
enormous funds and treasure - numbering in the many trillions of
dollars – that they have stolen and abused for nearly a century will now be
available for the benefit of mankind. The advanced technologies that they
suppressed are even now being developed for widespread use – technologies that
can bring undreamed-of prosperity and peace to our world. The crushing
burden of debt they deliberately created to enslave mankind will be wiped
primary tool of control used by this cabal has been their ability to control
the currencies of the world. As one of their founders, Nathan de
Rothschild put it, “allow me to control a nation’s currency, and I do not care
who makes its laws.” Over a period of a hundred years, they succeeded in
seizing control of an enormous cache of gold – gold which was set aside,
after World War II, for the benefit of mankind. That gold has been
returned to its rightful guardians, and will now be used as a Global
Development Fund to heal our world. The ability of the cabal to control
world affairs through the printing of so-called “fiat currency” – that is,
currency that is not backed by any real asset – has now been removed, and a new
system of asset-backed currencies has already been implemented. Worldwide
financial reform – reform that has been decades in the planning – based on
total transparency, and the replacement of a debt-based system with an
equity-based system, is already largely in place.
world-transforming change has only been possible through an alliance of 140
nations which banded together to throw off the control of the banking cabal,
headed by the so-called BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and
South Africa, and with the aid of patriotic elements in the Pentagon and
intelligence community. An unseen internal war has raged over the last
two years, in a race against time to prevent the cabal from implementing
bloodshed on a scale unseen in world history. A financial war has raged
as well. The U.S. dollar had been artificially propped up by the banking
cabal as the reserve currency of the world. That status now will end, and
the so-called “petro-dollar” (by which countries were required by major oil
producers to pay for oil only in U.S. dollars) will be a thing of the
past. A natural adjustment of currency values will then take place.
are earth-shaking and epochal changes. But I urge all of us to remain
calm. The news I bring – news which is being shared around the world
tonight by leaders in other global capitals - is good beyond hope.
An era of peace and prosperity is dawning tonight. The era of debt and
war and financial panics, of hidden agendas and secret societies, is at an
end. The national debt of the United States has been wiped out, as has
the debt of every nation on earth. Credit card, mortgage, and student
loan debts will also largely be forgiven or repaid from global funds. The
Internal Revenue Service will be dismantled, and income tax will be
eliminated. America will be restored to our organic constitution.
The United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank – all
of which had been either created or thoroughly manipulated by the banking cabal
– will be reformed from the ground up. And an enormous fund
amounting to more than a hundred trillion dollars will now be available for the
healing and restoration of our wounded planet, for feeding the hungry, healing
the sick, caring for the elderly, and for the development of the marvelous
technologies that should have been available to us many decades ago.
if these revelations are not epochal enough, I am also now able to share with
you news that many of us have long suspected – that we are not alone in this
universe. The amazing freedom that is now ours could not have been won
without the help of the friends I like to refer to as our “off-planet cousins”
– near relations to humanity who have refrained from interfering until
now, who have stood silent guard while honoring our divinely given
free will to govern ourselves. There is indeed a Galactic Federation, and
when we are ready, we may choose whether or not to accept their invitation to
join the greater family of free planets – a family to which we are closely
related through millions of years. Until now, the enormously advanced
so-called “alien” technologies have been a closely held secret of the shadow
regime, but now these too will be available for the benefit of humanity.
in America, we will now be able to hold the first truly free elections in many
decades – elections by paper ballot – and the interim government now in place
will then be replaced by one freely chosen by a free people. A time of
reconciliation and healing will be necessary. Many grievous shocks await
us, as the true nature and scope of the crimes of the hidden government become
apparent, and politicians on both sides of the aisle, as well as many prominent
figures in finance and media are tried for their crimes.
too, will stand before the tribunal of your justice, like any other citizen,
and be judged for my part in this hidden regime. And I stand ready to
serve my country again as your president if you should do me that great
let me urge you all from my heart to forget the divisions that have separated
us: red state from blue, believers from non-believers, faith from faith, gay
from straight, liberal from conservative. Let us strive instead to see
each other as brothers and sisters, children of one Creator, a family that
honors our differences, and cherishes together the one garden of earth we call
home. As many found in Europe after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the
corruption had reached out to ensnare and taint many thousands who had little
choice but to cooperate, for this shadow government operated exactly like
organized crime, in which extortion, bribery, blackmail, and murder were the
daily tools of control. We are called to a time of
understanding and reconciliation. Let us seek the truth, and seek
justice, but let us temper justice with mercy, and look to our own
responsibility, to the part we ourselves may have played in this long and
tragic time of hidden domination.
closing, let us remember the great wisdom of Lincoln, and beginning in this
moment, let us create a time of healing and peace,
malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God
gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in….to do
all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves,
and with all nations.
Good night, and may God bless you, your
family, our country, and our world
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