- AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda
- How Wolves Change Rivers
- The Gerson Therapy - Curing Cancer Naturally for 60 years
- Jim Carey is a Truly Awakened Soul - Speech at Maharishi U.
- Healing and Travel Protection with Archangel Raphael
- Archangels and Ascended Masters
- Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth
- JFK Speech April 27, 1961 - We are opposed by a monolithic, ruthless conspiracy
I originally posted this back in 2012. Here is a great summary video regarding Free Energy...
Why do we care about Free Energy? It has been suppressed and hidden from the public for a long time now for financial reasons. It means the END of gas, oil, nuclear and coal industries as sources of energy and pollution.
For additional information see posts on Thrive Movement
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