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UPDATE: 1/23/2013 -- All of the content in this presentation is still relevant even though nothing "appeared" to have happened on 12/21/2012. The New Earth and a peaceful, spiritual way of being with lavish abundance for all is on the horizon in the very near term. Continue to come from a place of Love and ask heaven for help with whatever your needs are.
For the last few months, I have been trying to find time to put together a document that summarizes all of the my thoughts on 2012 and what is happening. I have been voraciously reading books and following many different bloggers and channelings for the past 3 years. I finally had some time this week and put together the attached presentation that summarizes what we are all experiencing this year.
2012 - What is Going on? (PDF) - Click to download the presentation.
For the last few months, I have been trying to find time to put together a document that summarizes all of the my thoughts on 2012 and what is happening. I have been voraciously reading books and following many different bloggers and channelings for the past 3 years. I finally had some time this week and put together the attached presentation that summarizes what we are all experiencing this year.
Links to References/Resources in presentation:
- GoldenAgeOfGaia.com – Steve Beckow and fellow bloggers
- “Your First Contact” – book by Sheldon Nidle that provided some of the content in this presentation.
- urbanyogi2012.blogspot.com/2010/10/secret-of-secrets.html -- How our bodies are changing to Carbon-7 light based bodies
- www.celestialvision.org -- DL Zeta and Peter Phalam
- www.divinecosmos.com – David Wilcock
- kauilapele.wordpress.com – Great blog
- benjaminfulford.net – Ben Fulford
- www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm -- Suzi Ward channels her son
- www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm -- Mike Quinsey channels SaLuSa
- www.hollowearthnetwork.com/aghartha -- Details on Inner Earth
- www.hollowearthnetwork.com/page/427859590 -- City of Telos in Inner earth, channeled by Dianne Robbins
- climate.cod.edu/flanis/polarflanis.php?type=hemi-ir-polar – Current Satellite imagery of North Pole (w/ blacked out area) from College of DuPage in IL.
- Blog Talk Radio - Our Galactic Family Radio interview with Hugh-Man
- “Naked Chocolate” – Book by David Wolfe and Shazzie
- LiveSuperFoods.com – Great website to buy mentioned super foods
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