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With all the difficult times the residents of Texas and Louisiana are experiencing from Hurricane Harvey, I wanted to share an enlightening post on the subject. I have seen so many light-worker related posts on weather warfare and how it was intensified by the cabal. The PTW are involved in weather warfare using ChemTrails and weather modification technologies. The elementals are especially unhappy about this, but it is also about the emotional body of Gaia/Virgo our mother and her reaction to the collective challenging emotions all of us, her inhabitants create daily. I work with the elemental kingdom and their directors on a regular basis and these beautiful beings of light have been severely damaged and hurt by our actions and emotions over the eons of time. This is because a core tenant of their existence and commitment to God is "TO BE OBEDIENT TO MAN AND MIRROR WHAT THEY SEE". We have been attempting to heal them and ask for their forgiveness very regularly over the last 2 years and the depth and breadth of their disappointment, pain and suffering is not to be underestimated. I have another post from the same author in Jan 2016 that is very similar in nature: AA Metatron: Hurricanes are controlled by human fear of coming ashore
Directors of the Elementals/Divine Complements
Aries and Thor - Air - Slyphs
Diana and Oromasis - Fire - Salamders
Lunara and Neptune - Water - Undines
Virgo/Gaia and Pelleur - Earth - Gnomes
If you are curious to learn more about the elemental kingdom, please read the White Books by Werner Shroeder -- Electrons, The Building Blocks of the Universe and the Elemental Kingdom
Blessings of peace and love,
The Winds & Waters of Change
Understanding Disasters
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Copyrights Reserved 2017
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We welcome each of you in a vector of unconditional love.
We speak today on a very timely topic, that of natural disasters. We understand the deep trauma and sorrow, as well as the great pain and misery that accompanies all such catastrophic events, as has occurred with the hurricanes, forest fires, super tornadoes and earthquakes over recent years. A very recent super-storm has occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, with cataclysmic landfall occurring in Texas and Louisiana.
Time of Shift
Being human at this time of shift on the Earth is extremely difficult for so many, and we ask all of you to offer your prayers to those that are experiencing agonizing loss. We of the angelic realm are with you.
Although there was a tragic loss of lives and devastation to the land and structures, these catastrophies are not meant as any retribution. Masters, we tell you that what is taking place must transpire. It is a requisite realignment. It is the earth shifting, transiting into new energy....and indeed the sort of occurrences will continue on a regional scale across the planet.
The Energy of Change
We feel your pain at these losses, and we honor you so much for holding the energy of change throughout the hardships you are enduring. We truly do understand the sadness of duality realms. We encircle you in love through these times of transition. But understand that everything happening is by choice, and the courageous, sacred choice that humanity has made, is to Ascend.
Every soul whose physical life ends in such events, makes the choice to do so in free will and in higher purpose. We also tell you that while difficult, such events bring people together, and truly bring out the best in humanity, pulling together to help one another. And this aspect of unity was indeed seen in the areas of the Texas and Louisiana hurricane/tropical storm. Now, although the cleansing shift aspect of that termed as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes & tsunamis are natural occurrences requisite for the planet, these in the recent circumstance, also have an effect of re-prioritization.
We have shared with you information regarding the upshift and cleansing of the earth in seeking balance and preparing for change. However, many of you do not realize that there are also very intricate relationships that exist between the psychological environment of the human collective thought-flow, and ensuing weather affects & climatic patterns. We tell you that people's collective thoughts can & do indeed play a key role. Humanity's collective feelings, thoughts & emotions absolutely flow into & thus influence to varying degrees, the 'consciousness' field of the Living Earth.
Indeed, it is from the consciousness field of the earth's natural patterns that all of your annual seasons and weather affects emerge. Accordingly humanity collectively can and do, play a role in the formation & effect of that which you consider to be 'natural disasters'....especially in times of polarization and fear.
Polarization & Rebalance
In this way, natural disasters oft ultimately end up 'correcting' an existing or emerging imbalance, and form conditions that may bring greater realization of life's true purpose, that of truly, unconditionally assisting & loving one another.
When striking polarization occurs within the human field, it creates a frequencial imbalance, and such divisional attitudinal imbalances are capable of mal-effecting the ascension path and obstruct the desired quality & higher goals of life. In this way, natural disasters, often create a scenario which alter priorities, up-shifts collective thinking in manners that bring about a higher good, and enable a need for unity, of mutual caring and assistance in the face of the tempest.
It is true that when humans suffer great loss in a devastating disaster, as excruciating & painful as it is, the survivors overwhelmingly express their gratitude at still being alive. For such traumatic events bring a sense of renewed priority , an understanding of the 'gift of life'. And in most cases, live their lives with a renewed sense of harmony and love toward one another and a great and greater understanding that changes them for the better.
The physical planet that you recognize is highly conscious, indeed more conscious than is humanity at the current time. The Living Earth is attuned to the needs, resonance and vibratory energy patterns of human thought, and is aligned to the ascension path of humanity in the ''New Earth'.
Make no mistake, the natural climatic patterns of cleansing are not only requisite, they also contain vast imprintable geo-patterns & codes. These patterns are "fluid," in that while they exist, their final expression is often a format of possibility and probabilities, imprinted & directed by consciousness. The patterns themselves can be "activated" in specific mannerisms & affects.
J Tyberonn Question to Metatron: We understand from the information given over the past years, that these are necessary for the Ascension. Can you expand on this ?
AA-Metatron: Hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, floods, et cetera, are ever and always, necessary to the balancing & well-being of the earth. Accordingly, both electromagnetic balancing of the planet, as well as mankind's succinct purposes are 'naturally' served when such events occur. The earth is ever dynamic. You must understand that the balancing of the living planet is a continual 'natural' process. The equilibrium shifting that has always occurred will continue to occur as needed, it is an ongoing process.
But in the present time, these storms and also serve to further awaken humanity to greater truth, higher purpose. For it is within the difficult experiential arena of disasters and catastrophes that human life is for an enduring time, drastically altered.
Just as your physical human body & 'auric' body make necessary adjustments according to external and internal experiences and forces, so does the body of the living planet Earth make shifts for balance.
To some extent mankind's collective attitudes, desires and emotions effectively blend & merge with the physical aspects of nature so that such storms or disasters in certain circumstances, are as much the result of psychological activity as they are of physical weather conditions.
Disasters provide a rather drastic, societal shock. This immediate chaotic confrontation disrupts habitual, institutionalized patterns of behavior and quickly renders people to react in the 'now' and opens people to more amenable actions of assistance & survival. The affect can bring social, political and personal change.
Emotional influence as a 'Human Event'
Mankind in mass consider storms, hurricanes, rain, earthquakes etc, as natural events, yet you do not consider thoughts or emotions as natural events in the same terms. We tell you there is a very real & valid interaction between emotional attitudes and 3d-physical events.
Although most humans realize the weather affects your emotional moods, very few of you recognize deeply understand that your moods & resulting attitudes can have an absolute effect upon the weather. Although this may seem obscure, even unbelievable to many, you are never unaware victims of natural disasters. Initially it may seem that you are, but on a higher level, you must understand that you have scripted your life events, and accordingly you have willingly had a hand in forming them....for greater good and higher growth. Indeed, your lives are pre-planned in higher self. You are individually, collectively co-creatively involved in all of the the earth's events & cycles. Do you understand?
A Global Event
To no small degree, the increasing polarity and resulting outbursts of violence, have influenced the longevity & intensity of the recent hurricane & flooding experienced in the United States. Do not think it is a punishment specific to a localized region. It is not a punishment, rather an opportunity to raise awareness and change priorities. Nor is it truly regional, it is a global event, in the sense of the worldwide focal attention given by the media.
What has taken place in the face and aftermath of the disastrous flooding, has provided a unique and optimal opportunity for change, it serves as an awakening. A unifying desire for man to assist fellow man.
If the quality of life that is considered spiritually and biologically necessary fails, then adjustments must occur. Social, political problems can indeed be modified, reshaped and reformed by a natural disaster if political means fail.
Creative Response
Disasters provide a temporary liberation from the status quo in daily life. Worries, aggression, prejudices, inhibitions and anxieties associated with the immediate past and future temporarily are put on hold. That is clearly because disasters literally force people to concentrate their full attention on survival, on the immediate moment-to-moment, needs within the context of the present realities.
Disasters, in this way, stimulate rousing courage & creative energies of the populace. In survival emergency mode, humans tend to see one another as fellow humans in need, not categorized by race, religion or economic class. Assistance is rendered based on common need. Indeed, this is exemplified in the altruistic and heroic actions of so many in the aftermath of the recent hurricane in Texas. People from all parts of the United States, Canada and Mexico came together to offer assistance. Many courageous rescues came not from government agencies or military, but from what your media referred to as the 'Cajun & Cowboy' navy.
Bearded and tattooed, rough and ready individuals highly capable of navigating their boats through raging currents into isolated flooded neighborhoods to heroically rescue the trapped of all ages, religions and races. This action inspired others to play various roles in opening their homes, providing food and blankets to the less fortunate. Do you see the silver lining?
Do you understand that such noble actions would not have occurred without the setting of the catastrophic floods?
We tell you that the actions of both the rescuers & rescued have changed the attitudes & focus of millions, not only effecting those in the immediate area, but also the hundreds of millions of souls across the planet who viewed the events on television, internet and other media outlets.
Mankind & Nature
Mankind cannot separate, cannot divorce themselves from nature, nor nature's collective experiential intents. Although at such times you may consider nature, in its violent storming expressions as an adversary, on a higher level you are aware that you collectively played a role in co-creating the enduring trauma of the experience....and that this very trauma brought out a better side of humanity. In this way, you are forced to look for reasons outside of yourselves to explain what seems to be occurring. The belief systems and struggle for survival, upon which you humans base your lives, do indeed condition & culturally program your existence such that you outwardly deny what you inwardly know.
You have made certain divisions because of your cultural programming and beliefs which make this kind of explanation extremely important, but equally difficult to contemplate or truly grasp in higher context. You think of flooding or earthquakes as totally natural events, but you do not consider thoughts or emotions as natural events in the same way....or consider that your fears, prejudices or emotionally charged thoughts played a role in the manifestation of any disaster. And that the disaster itself helped you raise your consciousness into a more aware & indeed noble context.
Masters, we emphasize that every experience each of you experience, you have had a hand in creating. The University of Earth is a purposed illusion, but if it did not seem real, you would not learn.
Life can be difficult, and that is a great Truth. But it is often in very difficult times that you rise to the occasion, and transcend the past cages & limits. For it is through facing your chosen 'set-ups' that you master the lessons of love offered in the curriculum of duality.
Natural disasters paradoxically bring out the altruistic aspect of humanity, in which mankind become kind men, and neighbors become truly neighborly. The lessons learned in these experiences, while devastating in 3d, also change people for the better, revealing a greater truth, the truth of Love.
I am Metatron, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these truths. You are deeply beloved.
And So it Is...And it is So...
Authors Copyrights 2017 Duly Reserved to James Tyberonn & Earth-Keeper
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